19 February 2016

Welcome to IWA OutdoorClassics!

Then you are in the right place at IWA OutdoorClassics in Nuremberg, Germany, March 4-7.

1400 exhibitors guarantee an unrivalled variety of products. And you know, live experience beats the virtual world - at IWA OutdoorClassics you are welcome to try the products out and can compare them on the spot! 

How to book your flight/hotel and buy your ticket: 

Nuremberg has always been a central transport hub in Europe. By train, by car or by aeroplane – the choice is yours.There are many direct flights to Nuremberg. Start checking with your favourite airline, or maybe try www.reseguiden.se or www.expedia.com.

If you are looking for a nice hotel, you get help here:

From the airport it is a short distance with good connections to the city centre and to the exhibition centre Nuremberg.

Purchase your ticket online and save time and money. Purchase before 25th of Februray here. 

Welcome to Nuremberg and to see all the news at IWA OutdoorClassics! 

It is a beautiful little town where you surely will find time for a nice evening meal and maybe a walk in the historic centre!


We will be happy to answer any questions!

your HuginBiz team

развитие туризма , equipment , exhibitions

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