26 June 2015

Sympatex Technologies invites you to OutDoor 2015

Dear media partners,

with a new booth concept and new partners, Sympatex Technologies will take part in this year's OutDoor 2015 in Friedrichshafen (15th - 18th July). As the ecological alternative among functional textile specialists we are particularly happy about the increase in the segments Hike, Bike & Running. Many customers which we’ll present at our booth (Hall A4 / booth 303), will use innovative Sympatex additional technologies like Phaseable or HigH2Out for the summer season 2016.     

We would be very glad to welcome you at our booth. For personal appointments, please feel free to contact me. 

With kind regards

Sonja Zajontz
Sympatex Technologies GmbH
Public Relations
Mail: sonja.zajontz@sympatex.com
T +49 (0)89 940058 439
Feringastraße 7A
85774 Unterföhring

equipment , sympatex

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