24 November 2017

Press Release from EOCA: 10 New members!

This summer and autumn have seen an influx of new members to the European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA). From agencies and distributors to drinks and mountaineering guides, the number of companies wanting to get involved in looking after the environment is continuing to rise. 

The ten new members range from new start-ups to established companies and from Sweden to Indonesia, all serving the European outdoor industry. EOCA is delighted to welcome Pinguin, one of the oldest Czech producers of outdoor and camping equipment; UK distributor Ultralight Outdoor Gear Ltd; Dutch media agency and media partner of EOCA 333 Media; UK based agency Proagencies, specialising in the outdoor and travel markets; Swiss multifunctional clothing and equipment brand Bergstop GmbH; Swedish functional lightweight camping product brand Wildo, newly launched natural spirit drink handcrafted in the mountains of Austria:Moose – The Alpine Spirit; load hauler and soft bag supplier PT Tasindo Tassa Industries; social enterprise WakaWaka, selling and distributing solar lights, chargers and panels and finally, Frost Guiding Courses, who provide guided mountaineering holidays. 

Lukáš Soumar, Company Director of Pinguin was excited to join EOCA and said, “Just because we are producing new products, does not mean we can ignore our responsibility to participate in looking after planet Earth”. Harry Meakin, founder of Moose said “We believe deeply that precious natural spaces like the Alps should be looked after. We are donating €1 from every bottle we sell to conservation projects in the mountains”. Lawrence Friell, co director of Proagencies added, “Looking after the environment is everyone’s responsibility, particularly ours as an industry when we are actively encouraging our customers to get out there and enjoy it”. 

Tanya Bascombe, Joint General Manager of EOCA added, “More and more companies are seeing EOCA as a way to be able to make a positive difference to our environment, and the more companies that get involved, the larger the impact we can have. Looking after our environment is no longer just a ‘nice thing to do’; it is a responsibility for all of us and the fact that so many companies in the outdoor industry are recognising that and joining forces to act together is testament to that.” 

Notes to Editors:

The European Outdoor Conservation Association is an initiative from the European outdoor industry with the objective of protecting the wild areas it cares so passionately about. 

Designed to harness the incredible power of the outdoor industry and to raise money to donate to grassroots conservation groups, the European Outdoor Conservation Association is funded by membership and other fundraising activities within the outdoor industry. 100% of membership fees go to the support of projects. Membership is open to anyone that can demonstrate an involvement in the European outdoor industry. 

From January 2015, a select group of ‘Sustaining Members’ have pledged their support to EOCA by committing to fund the sustainable growth of the organisation with an extra €10,000 per year for the next three years, over and above their annual membership fee. This money will be used to finance the running of the Association and support its sustainable growth, also enabling a move to 2 funding rounds per year. 

The seven EOCA Sustaining Members are: OutDoor (Messe Friedrichshafen), Pertex, KEEN Footwear, Nikwax, ISPO (Messe München), Patagonia and the European Outdoor Group (EOG), which is also the Founder Member of the Association. 

To find out more about the Association please go to: www.outdoorconservation.eu


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