24 September 2016
IMS 2016: Meet your experiences
- Администратор
Рубрики: Mountaineering , Climbing
IMS 2016: Meet your experiences
For the eighth year in a row, the International Mountain Summit (IMS) brings mountain enthusiasts from around the world to Brixen/Bressanone (Italy). The festival’s motto “Meet.Mountain.People.Soul” will define life in the town for an entire week. Participants of the 2016 editions include not only famous speakers such as Reinhold Messner, but also young people participating in the Youth.Camp, and representatives of international mountain associations taking part in the annual meeting of the International Mountaineering and Climbing Association UIAA.
The 2016 edition focuses on “the power of encounters”:
Encounters with the mountain -- from below and above, in- and outdoors. Festival participants meet each other during hikes, climbs indoors and outdoors, mountain bike tours, theme walks and explorations of old mines.
Encounters with mountain.peoples shift perspectives and provoke thought. People living in the mountains know of the power of mountains; their experiences in the alpine environment root them deeply in the local context, and make them simultaneously open for change and adaptation. Their relationship with animals and nature make them extraordinary and impressive conversation partners. IMS creates dialogue between people, promoting the exchange of experiences and perspectives and generating occasions for mutual development. A professional mountaineer meets a mountain farmer, a manager an innkeeper, a student a mountain journalist – and all of them meet the mountain.
Encounters with the mountain.soul, the mountain that everyone carries within, show how strong a person’s desire to reach goals, overcome mountains and motivate oneself, can be. These encounters with oneself are eye opening; they are adventures for mind, heart and body.
All these encounters take place through talks, conversations, discussions, hikes and workshops. Together, they form the 2016 IMS program. The hike to a mountain hut is, at the same time, a conference experience under open sky, the indoor climb becomes a meet-up with same-minded people, the talk on top of a mountain an unforgettable experience, the “Törggele” dinner with regional products a networking event, the exhibitions and film nights a cultural experience.
„Meet your experiences“ – that’s the central message of the International Mountain Summit, 10-16 October 2016, Brixen/Bressanone (Italy).